Getting Out of the Way

Apr 27, 2023

By Owyn Ruck & Damian McCann

The aim of the work we share in our Mini Members Conferences is embodied in the phrases "healer heal thyself" and "where are we coming from?" Secondary to this is the sharing of concepts and wisdom from other systems that can enhance and expand our BodyTalk, MindScape or BreakThrough work. Remember, each of the IBA modalities is very much an open container. Every piece of knowledge, experience, or wisdom you gain can be used by Innate Wisdom during our work, particularly BodyTalk sessions. So, we hope you enjoy these gifts and that you enjoy this insightful article from Owyn and Damian that speaks to all healing work.

What is "getting out of the way"?

SourcePoint Therapy is the study and practice of working with, what we call, the Blueprint for human health – which is an ongoing, ever-evolving, unfolding relationship. Across disciplines and history, this idea of the Blueprint can be found. What exactly is the Blueprint? Where is it? We don't know! But we can work with the felt sense, the presence, the sentience of the field of information that gives rise to, maintains, and sustains Health on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

In SourcePoint, we utilize a precise, simple protocol that works with the language of geometry – points, lines and structures in and around the human energy field. This precise, simple protocol and the imagery we work with offer a structure to guide the practitioner and client into the consciousness and frequency of pattern – the fluid, evolving archetypal information for Health. By bringing the flow of information from the Blueprint, we address blockages in the system that are a result of trauma, karma, emotion, ancestry, and belief systems. Essentially, the network of experiences of being human.

Which sounds a whole lot like BodyTalk! While the mechanisms of how we might do this differ, resting in this field of information will be familiar to those of you reading these words. As practitioners, our primary work is finding ways to 'get out of the way' of this process of connecting with, receiving, and transmitting this information to address the system or matrix we are working with.

One of the inquiries we have been deeply exploring over the past years while training as instructors of both SourcePoint and BreakThrough is this aspect of 'getting out of the way.' What is it that is getting in the way? When we say, "you need to get out of the way," what or who is this you that must do so?

In SourcePoint, we introduce the idea of Guardianship – which we will share the practice of during the IBA Mini Conference on May 23. Through a set of points on the body, we acknowledge and invoke the guardian energies on physical, spiritual, and mental levels. This mental level of Guardianship evokes the imagery of Manjusri – a Bodhisattva believed to have been a disciple of the Buddha, who is known by many other names across cultures. Commonly, he is depicted perfectly poised on his lotus flower, scripture in one hand and a flaming sword in the other. This flaming sword represents Wisdom, slicing through delusion, illusion, ignorance, and duality.

Manjusri sits atop a lotus flower, but more specifically, he sits atop a lotus flower on the back of a lion. One interpretation, and the one we are speaking to, is that the lion represents the 'wild mind.' Through the clarity of Wisdom and Intellect, Manjusri 'tames' the 'wild mind.' From the BreakThrough perspective, this 'wild mind' is the reactionary mind or the untrained intellect – a specific, unhealthy way the human mind is capable of operating. This is in opposition to what Manjusri embodies: that the healthy function of mind – the Wisdom and vertical thinking we are capable of – is the Guardianship we are evoking on the mental level.

So, what is in the way when we speak of 'getting out of the way?' In each of our practices, we suggest that ultimately the 'what' is the reactionary mind and its stories, the insistence that "I KNOW SOMETHING!" We all experience this aspect of the mind: the roller coaster ride of thoughts and memories; opinions and convictions that we cling to for safety; assumptions and expectations of loved ones and strangers; obsessive circles of self-doubt; identifying as our thoughts, body, or mind; placing blame on someone or something outside of ourselves for 'making me feel'; obsessing over the past and projecting into the future; someone or something that needs to change before I can; I am right, and they are wrong; they are right, and I am wrong... The list goes on, describing a very typical modern human experience within the 'personal' mind – wherever and whatever this mind may be! But the common thread is the reactionary mind's involvement with thoughts and the addiction to our 'story' – the identities and roles we play. It seems to us that this is the very thing that 'gets in the way.'

Working with the lines, points, and structures of SourcePoint provides a very direct portal to the experience of focused attention and awareness. But it has been the combination with BreakThrough, specifically, that deepened this experience and understanding through curiosity and inquiry, a direct way of training the intellect – working with the mind, through the mind. Instead of trying to get rid of the mind, we can work with it, in respect of our humanity. The reciprocal relationship between studying these two practices has been profound, fun, challenging, creative – and has helped us remain committed to honing focused attention, awareness, and vertical thinking, to better aid and understand ourselves, clients, and communities.

–Owyn and Damian

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