20 Years and Still Appreciating the Magic

Apr 05, 2024

By Robyn Whatley-Kahn

Robyn Whatley-Kahn, Certified BodyTalk Instructor and Practitioner
(below center with Esther and John Veltheim)

One of the few constants in my life over the last twenty-plus years has been the miracles provided by my BodyTalk sessions. Like I know we all are privileged to do, I could easily fill up four pages of this newsletter with amazing sessions and results.

Fortunately, I've been involved with the awesome BodyTalk System since 2002. I was struck like a bolt of lightning when the universe decided I needed to know about it. I was at home when, at 8:30, I received a call from a friend who thought another friend of ours was going to practice a speech downtown. So, we hopped in the car and were fussing that she hadn't given us fair warning.
We arrived, swinging open the door to find, not our friend, but a 5'11" blonde, turquoise-eyed powerhouse of a woman--Dr. Marita Kufe. She had been invited to the Cayman Islands after conducting two BodyTalk sessions on a woman's granddaughter with multiple allergies, and the girl no longer had allergies. This was a four-year-old who had been rushed to the hospital suffering from anaphylactic shock many times!
What I heard during that BodyTalk introductory speech sent electrical shivers through my body. I had already been in the alternative health business for twenty years (as a Touch for Health instructor, Reiki Master, massage therapist, and reflexologist). Hearing that the BodyTalk System utilized innate wisdom, which of course is the ONLY thing that knows what is going on in each individual body, I was all ears. I'd always felt that no matter how much I studied and learned, there was a big piece missing. I always knew it wasn't about me and my knowledge. So, I wanted to know all about this BodyTalk System.
In my first class, I remember learning the yes's and no's, and the arm of my fellow student flinging off the table. We all learned that BodyTalk is "very INTA-RESTING," said in the German accent of our teacher. Despite having first learned BodyTalk more than two decades ago, it's been slow going for me. The goal was to set up an office and, as an IBA Instructor, teach BodyTalk Access to students who then go on to take Mod 1(2) BodyTalk: Fundamentals, and ...
Well, in my dynamic life, a Category 5 hurricane said "no" to that goal. So, I was on the road and without a house, borrowing from our "karma bag" and living in Grand Cayman, then Thailand, and back. Through the gifts of time-share vacations, a car loaned to us for two weeks, a penthouse for three weeks, and so on, I at least managed to do BodyTalk on my husband and myself, and I do know it kept us sane and continuing on.
I share this story to acknowledge that we've all had our challenges, from trying to advertise to holding smaller classes than we envision, to perhaps not having the money to take further classes we desire, and the list goes on.
And yet, to carry on, we must regularly and gratefully reflect on our wins. One of my wins was donating time to a school in Scotland for children with varying degrees of autism and brain damage. I did a session at the home of one of the girls who had been out for three months. Two days later, I received a handwritten note from the principal saying the girl was back in school. The principal shared that she didn't understand what I had done but offered a huge thank you.
And then there was the seemingly carefree doctor who was on my table for two minutes when a powerful Active Memory came up, turning this happy client into a crying man. At five years old, he had undergone a medical procedure on his genitals without anesthesia. Despite the pain and horror, the attending doctor gruffly told the poor boy to never cry and be a man. Two days later, I received a note from his wife, thanking me!
And, in a Mod 1(2) BodyTalk: Fundamentals class I was teaching, at break time, a woman student gathered her things and bolted out the door. She said, "I can't be in the class as I can't have anybody touch my wrists." My response and offer to her was, "Let's do a quick session." We did. In those 10 minutes, it changed her LIFE! She too had an Active Memory from very early childhood, age 3. Her situation was one of being tied by her wrists and a devastating sexual assault. She'd had nightmares every night of her life and could have no one touch her wrists. The following morning, she came back! She was yelling, "I didn't have a nightmare last night!"
These amazing success stories are a constant reminder to me that even though it might be hard--with personal tragedies, moving, more money going out than coming in, the struggles of being in a small community--that all of us, due to the work of John and Esther Veltheim, have a "magic maker" in our possession ... and that you and your clients together with innate wisdom are miracle workers! And now, with the advent of Skype and Zoom communication, we can each service the globe.
In good health,
Robyn Whatley-Kahn

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