Karen Quek

Ms. Karen Quek

PaRama BP , BT for Animals , Animal Communicator, CBP


Gaia Wholistic Animal Wellness Singapore
248 Jalan Besar
Singapore, Singapore 208921

Phone: +65 9679 6914


Karen's journey with the animals started coming to light from the point she met a very special cat of hers, SaSa, since 2004 . 

She has then worked as a Professional Senior Veterinary Nurse from March 2010 till March 2016, in one of the Animal Hospital  (ARVRC) , with Dr Jean Paul Ly , in Singapore. 

Given her opportunity to work alongside with one of the well-known top surgeon who has 40 over years of experience as his personal nurse in which she has assisted in major surgeries both in Singapore and overseas , handling and nursing critically ill patients in the hospital , it greatly opened her opportunities to see and explore another world of the animal kingdom , not only the verbal communication , but non-verbal communication and connecting to their healing abilities and hearing their voices from within . 

Karen is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and Bodytalk Practitioner for Animals since March 2013 , and later in 2015 as a PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner . She in cooperates Animal Communication in her sessions with the animals and has been working closely with the Animal Kingdom since then . 

She understands how BodyTalk sessions for Animals greatly improve the relationship between owners and them , as well as the greater role for them coming into our lifes . Working alongside with critically ill animals in the previous hospital has greatly deepen her connection with them in relation to how important self-healing is , and in BodyTalk , we are here for them ,  to faciliate and observe this process . It helps the animals and owners connecting another great leap or phrase of life , not only physical life and death transition work , but as well as transition in in different aspects of our daily lives that does affects us in terms of general health , emotions , body functions , stress threshold . It plays a very important part of our coping mechanism that needs to adapt and adjust accordingly . 

Other then treating animals, she does worked on humans with other learnt modalities such as crystal healing. Shamanic drumming, Spiritual Awareness and emotional balancing with her knowledge of TCM/Eastern Medicine to tune into their higher consciousness to work on various chronic conditions or disorders such as involuntary thefting, insommnia, past life regression, Cancer, hormonal issues, Environmental energies as well as Entities(Spirits/Souls). She truely believes that via treating the root/core of the energetic issues of self together with much needed medical advises and medications would strengthen the effects. We are all made up of energetic connective tissues in which our daily lifestyle and people around us has also caused quite a huge distruption to our soul who actually has the ability to heal itself, thus gaining empowerment, self love and healing is extremely important for our emotional and mental health especially! 

She has been doing continuous studies in Bodytalk and other related modules as per stated below . Her physic abilities is bringing her to higher understanding from multi-dimensional livings of the Universe . It is indeed beautiful to witness great relationships and understandings between all beings on different levels of consciousness and living in harmony as a WHOLE . She works very closely with the Earthlings and beings of the Universe .  

She is currently the Co-founder/Director & Principal of Animal Rehabiliation Practitioner of Gaia Wholistic Animal Wellness Singapore , trained from University of Tennesse in US and Greyfriars UK . Pior to setting up her own practice , she had worked as Chief Rehab Therapist in another Rehab centre in SG for almost 3 years . She  also provide BodyTalk sessions and Animal Communication for all Animals in her centre. 
Indulge your journey with Karen ,  together with her Universal love & passion for all the beings that has every rights to be on Earth and honouring the whole Universe . She is all ready to walk with you on bridges that connects to all .  

- BodyTalk Access 
- BodyTalk Access for Animals 
- BodyTalk Fundamentals, Module 1 & 2 
- BodyTalk Fundamentals Extension 
- Bodytalk Advance Protocol 
- BodyTalk Principle of Consciousness, Module 3 
- BodyTalk Bio-Dynamics, Module 4(7)
- BodyTalk Lymphatic Drainage , Module 5 
- BodyTalk Marcocosmic BodyMind , Module 6 
- BodyTalk Matrix Dynamics , Module 9
- BodyTalk for Animals, Module 8(A)  
- Eastern Medicine 
- Mindscape I 
- Advance Mindscape
- Finding Health 1
- PaRama Unit 1 
- PaRama Unit 1 Practical
- PaRama Unit 2  
- Linking Awareness
- Linking Awareness Level 3 
- Animal Communication ( Basic , Intermediate , Advance ) 
- Tellington Touch 
- Kundalini Reiki I , II  
- Shamanism journey
- Past life regression 
- Canine Rehabilitaion Training Cert I, II, III, IV, V
- Certified Hydrotherapist training for Small Animals 
- Neuro-MyoFascial Release for Animals 
- Low Stress Handling for Animals 

- Certified BodyTalk Practitioner 
- Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for Animals 
- PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner 
- Animal Communicator 
- Principal Animal Rehabilitation Practitioner (Trained from University of Tennesse) of Gaia Wholistic Animal Wellness Singapore
- Certified Hydrotherapist for Small Animals (Greyfrairs) of Gaia Wholistic Animal Wellness Singapore 
- Co-founder/Director of Gaia Wholistic Animal Wellness Singapore 
- Neuro-Myofascial Release for Animals (Holistic Animal Studies by Angel's Animals LLC)  
- Low Stress Handling for Animals 

+65 96796914 
+65 81885272 

~ Walk with the Earth , Magic of the Universe ~ 

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